Stay Healthy During Cold & Flu Season

It sure is that time of year when it seems like everyone around you has come down with a cold or the flu!  Rather than sniffling away, here are some tips to stay healthy and to recover quickly if you’re sick so you can get back to having a great 2015.

How to stay healthy during cold & flu season

  1. Wash your hands!  This is the best way to prevent infections so try to wash your hands regularly throughout the day.  This is especially important after touching public surfaces like doorknobs.  A lot of hands equals a lot of germs—gross!



  2. Go for a walk.  Studies show that people who are active are less likely to get sick.  Try to exercise a little bit every day to stay healthy, even if it’s cold out!  Do you get bored while exercising?  Switch it up by playing sports with your family or by doing something different every day.



  3. Get some rest.  Stress can lead to a weaker immune system and sickness so it’s important to relax and get enough sleep every night—7 hours is the recommended amount.  If you’re having trouble sleeping, try to cut out caffeine later in the day and don’t look at digital screens like your phone, computer, or TV within an hour of going to bed.



  4. Eat well.  Our bodies need nutrients to stay healthy and fight infection.  Veggies are the most natural way of getting these nutrients so try to work them into your diet if you aren’t getting enough—aim for fruits and veggies to take up half your plate. Don’t forget to stay hydrated too!



How to recover quickly if you’re already sick

  1. Eat chicken noodle soup.  This one doesn’t take convincing but chicken noodle soup has been proven to have anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting properties, so eat away!



  2. Take a hot shower.  The steam will help with congestion and it can also help you relax.



  3. Drink hot tea.  This will help you stay hydrated and will soothe a sore throat.  Add a little honey—it’s a natural immune booster.



  4. Increase your vitamin C intake.  In addition to helping prevent colds, it can also help shorten them.  Oranges and green leafy vegetables are great sources of vitamin C.  Ginseng and zinc are other natural supplements that can help shorten a cold.



While some of these may seem obvious, they are so important!  By doing simple things every day like washing your hands, you can keep yourself and your family healthy this year.  Do you do these already?  Have other remedies ideas?  We love hearing from you so if you have any additional suggestions, like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter to share what works for you and your family!

Nothing better than being healthy 🙂

Top Ten “Rules” for Successful and Positive Mealtimes with Your Kids

Mealtime can be hard.  From getting the meal on the table to getting your kids to eating it, it’s definitely stressful.  Here are some tips on how to have successful and positive mealtimes with your kids.

  • Keep meals and snack times consistent and regular.
  • Eat as a family. Model good food habits and table manners. They will follow.
  • Sit down to eat and drink – don’t take meals on the run!
  • Keep a distraction-free eating area – no T.V., toys, or other distractions such as cell phones, laptops, or newspapers.
  • Provide a balance and variety of foods to keep kids interested satisfied.
  • Empower your child to make healthy choices about what to eat and how much. They will feel empowered, for example, if you offer them the option of healthy choice #1 or healthy choice #2, such as peas or carrots.
  • Don’t pressure your child to eat – this will backfire!
  • Respect your child’s choices and trust their natural ability to self regulate their food intake.
  • Set limits on age appropriate behavior at the table and stick to your boundaries.
  • Have fun! The less you stress at mealtimes, the more fun all of you will have!

Do you have other tips that work for you and your family?  Share them with us on Facebook and Twitter!